Wrongful Death Attorneys.

Losing a loved one is by far one of the most traumatic experiences any human being can undergo. Wrongful death can come about because of a car accident, a slip, and fall, or any other number of events.

In such tragic cases, it is important to hire an experienced wrongful death attorney who can help make sense of the legal and financial aspects of your loss and help you obtain monetary damages from those who are responsible. By doing so, families who lose a loved one through the negligent or intentional act of another are not only compensated for their loss in some measure but, perhaps more importantly, also can hold negligent or intentional actors accountable for the damage their actions cause.

Wrongful Death Claims vs. Survivorship Claims

Generally, in the state of Florida, there are two types of civil suits that can be filed after a person dies as a result of someone else's actions. The first type of civil suit is a wrongful death claim. This claim is brought by the surviving family members - parents, siblings, spouse, and children - of the deceased and is designed to compensate those individuals for their loss. Awards for a wrongful death claim can include damages meant to address the family's pecuniary loss (lost wages) beginning at the time of death and extending into the future, the family's loss of companionship and society with the deceased, and mental pain and anguish suffered by the survivors.

The second type of claim that can be brought is known as a survivorship claim. This claim is designed for the situation in which the deceased does not die immediately but instead suffers an injury, is hospitalized or treated for some time, and eventually succumbs to his or her injuries in the future. This claim is meant to address the harm and suffering that the deceased underwent before death. Claims for hospital bills, treatment costs, and funeral expenses can be included in a survivorship claim. Additionally, claims for pain and mental anguish suffered by the deceased can also be brought in a survivorship claim.

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