• Red Light Accident | $650,000 Neck + Back Fusion

    Defendant ran a stop light resulting in a neck and back injury to our client and a surgery / fusion on both. Case resolved without litigation.

  • 18-Wheeler Wreck | $3.3M Leg + Arm Fracture with Rod Placement

    Client was traveling with his son when an 18-wheeler crossed the median and struck their truck head on. The client suffered multiple fractures to his leg and arm, both of which required internal hardward (rods).

  • Bicycle Accident | $270,000 Shoulder Reconstruction + Neck Surgery

    Client, who was homeless, was riding his bike through a parking lot when he was hit by a van attempting to pull into a parking spot. Client suffered injury to his shoulder and neck which required surgery. After extensive litigation, the case was solved.

  • Rear-End Accident | $1M+ Left Eye Rupture + Removal

    Client was merging off the interstate when he was rear-ended. The impact forced his face into the driver’s side window, causing a rupture of his left eye. The case resolved after being litigated.

  • Revenge Porn Case | $100,000 in Compensatory & $500,00 in Punitive Damages

    Mike Walker secured the largest settlement in the United States in a “Revenge Porn” Case.

  • T-Bone Wreck | $1M Fractures of Lower Leg + Knee

    A car pulled out from a side street causing the client's car to t-bone the at-fault car. Client suffered fractures to his lower leg and a fractured knee cap. His knee cap was surgically removed and his fractures were treated with external hardware. The case resolved shortly before trial.

  • Aggravated Injury | $300,000 Back Surgery/Fusion: Prior Back Surgery & Disability

    Client was a passenger in a rear-end collision which resulted in little to no apparent property damage. Three years earlier she had injured her back on the job, had undergone a low back fusion, and was granted SSD by her injury. She aggravated her lower back and underwent a second surgery. This case was resolved after extensive litigation.

  • Truck Wreck | $1.25M MTBI, Cervical Fusion, TMJ Surgery

    Client stopped for an emergency vehicle and was hit by a large truck. She sustained a laceration to her head, injured her neck and jaw. She also sustained a MTBI. Her injury was heavily disputed. Other defenses included that her neck and jaw conditions were pre-existing and caused by two prior accidents. After litigation, the case resolved shortly before trial.

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