Car Accident Attorneys.

Car accidents can alter your life or the life of a loved one. No one gets behind the wheel of a vehicle expecting to get into a car crash. However, a driver's carelessness or lack of attention can turn a routine commute from work, or a trip to the store into a terrible, life-altering event. Those involved in car accidents can suffer serious, life-threatening injuries, requiring thousands of dollars for medical treatment.

Even where injuries are slight or completely absent, the mental suffering that accompanies car accidents can require significant treatment. Added to the mental trauma, is the stress of dealing with insurance companies who want to minimize their liability.

At The Walker Law Group, our experienced car accident attorneys understand that overwhelming feelings such as anger, frustration, and confusion can accompany a car accident. We can help you understand the claim and court process, work with the insurance companies, and formulate a working strategy, so that you get the compensation you're entitled to.

Car Accident Statistics

With over 15 million licensed drivers and 14 million registered vehicles on the roads of Florida, accidents are bound to happen. Statistics from the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles show that there were a total of 281,340 vehicle crashes in 2012 ( an average of 770 crashes per day). Over 130,000 of these crashes resulted in injuries to at least one person. Over 2,200 of these crashes involved at least one fatality. 

Causes of Car Accidents

Most car accidents are caused by a driver's negligence or carelessness. Anytime a driver does something that an ordinary, careful, and prudent driver would not do, that driver acts negligently. Examples of negligence include:

Texting while driving or using a cell phone while driving;

Driving aggressively or too fast for the road conditions;

Ignoring or failing to obey the rules of the road;

Failing to adhere to traffic signs;

Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol;

Taking his or her eyes off the road to talk with passengers, change the radio, etc.

If a driver acts negligently and causes a car accident, they may be held civilly liable for monetary damages. These damages would be paid to other parties seriously injured in the crash and would go to cover such things as medical bills, damage to property, and pain and suffering.

What You Should Do After a Florida Auto Accident

 Many people are unsure of what to do after an auto accident. The rush of adrenaline or the pain of an injury can make it difficult to think clearly. The experienced attorneys at The Walker Law Group focus on guiding clients through difficult situations that often arise after an accident. We let you know what you should do after an auto accident. After you have followed our steps, we can begin to handle every element of your personal injury case compassionately, skillfully, and effectively.

Together, with our personal injury legal team, our experienced car accident attorneys represent drivers and passengers who have been injured. We help with the immediate problems; like who will pay for your car, how you will be reimbursed for time missed from work, and how you will pay for the medical care you need. We will take all of your options into account when seeking a resolution of your injury case. We will look for evidence of drunk driving or dangerous road conditions, which can open up more recovery options.

A Step-By-Step Guide for Motor Vehicle Accident Victims

The staff at The Walker Law Group believes in preparation, so we have put together a guide that lists actions that you should take, following a crash:

  1. Make sure you are safe in an auto accident. Your well-being is the most important thing. Survey the scene. Unless moving would cause further injury to yourself or someone in your vehicle, pull over to the side of the road and steer clear of traffic, 

  2. Call the police. They will survey the auto accident scene and complete an official accident report, which may be useful for insurance companies or litigation. Without an accident report, it is often difficult to settle an injury case.

  3. If you are injured, make sure you call an ambulance.  Because of the large adrenaline rush that often comes with an accident, you may not feel serious pain at the scene. It is important to get medical care, just in case. Many large injuries feel small at the beginning. For example, serious jaw injuries may often start as minor head and neck aches.

  4. Exchange information. Make sure that you get the name, address, driver's license number, and insurance information of the other driver. This will be necessary to get compensation for property damage or personal injury.

  5. Follow up with a healthcare provider. Seeking continuous care with a doctor can be critical to your health. It can also be essential to bringing a successful personal injury claim. Insurance companies will often use delays and gaps in treatment against you, arguing that your injuries are not as serious as they say, or that your injuries are not even related to the accident.

  6. Do not cover up critical evidence. Don't be in a rush to get your vehicle fixed after a crash. You may lose critical evidence if you do that. Experts often inspect vehicle damage to estimate the rate of speed and the force of the impact among other things. Talk with a car accident attorney before you take action. Injury photos showing cuts and bruises are often helpful in demonstrating the severity of a case, too.

  7. Get legal advice. The best way to protect your rights is to speak with our expeinced car accident attorneys before talking with the other driver's insurance company.

Contact a Car Accident Attorney

If you are involved in a car accident, it is important to protect your legal rights. If action is not taken quickly, critical evidence to show who was at fault may be lost, as photographs can disappear and memories can fade. Asides from this, statements made to the other driver or insurance company can limit the recovery you might otherwise receive. If you or a loved one were involved in a car accident, contact The Walker Law Group today for a free evaluation to discuss your car accident case with an experienced car accident attorney.

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