Jaw Injury & TMJ Attorneys.

Jaw injuries are often overlooked by medical professionals assisting accident victims. What may start as a headache or neck pain can lead to ringing in the ears, joint noises, and pain. If left untreated, the jaw may even spasm and lock open, leaving the victim in terrible pain. If you have suffered a jaw injury or jaw disorder like TMJ, it may be traced back to a recent accident. Whiplash may cause the structures that hold your jaw in place to be strained and damaged to the extent that it causes a problem.

Talk to an experienced Jaw & TMJ attorney at The Walker Law Group about your situation. Our team of experienced lawyers and staff may be able to help you take action. We are dedicated to holding wrongdoers accountable for the jaw pain and damage they cause our clients.

We bring personal injury lawsuits against negligent actors who cause a broad spectrum of accidents, such as auto accidents, semi-truck accidents, and motorcycle accidents.

What to Expect When You Work with Us

When you visit our Florida law office for your free initial consultation, we will talk with you about the jaw pain you experienced. When we accept a case, we often partner with experts who can pinpoint the causes of joint pain. These experts testify at trial and help us achieve favorable jury verdicts and settlements for our clients.

The outcome of a personal injury case depends on the way case law is applied to the facts. That's why it is important to talk with a lawyer about the facts of your case before taking action after a jaw injury. Consultations with the experienced Jaw & TMJ attorneys at The Walker Law Group are free and confidential, so there is nothing to lose. Call us or complete our online contact form.

Reach out to our team today!

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