Insurance Dispute Attorneys.

Insurance disputes describe any situation where a person's insurance company denies or fails to offer a reasonable sum for a loss. Living in Florida, with the threat of devastating weather for half of the year, many homeowners learn for the first time that their homeowner's insurance company may not have their best interest at heart only after a storm wrecks their home. Insurance claims are supposed to work themselves out without resorting to the legal process if all parties act fairly. But "fair" and insurance company are words not often uttered together. It seems like they can't help themselves. They deny. They delay. They use their economic leverage to force a favorable claim resolution. At Walker Law Group, we have dealt with these insurance companies and their adjusters for years. Our experienced insurance dispute lawyers understand their practices and their motivations. Many of these insurance adjusters have dealt with Mike Walker or his firm, the Walker Law Group, in years past and know his reputation for "going to trial."This threat of trial helps in the resolution of cases as Clients of insurance dispute lawyers who actively try cases get better settlements, generally. Most Insurance dispute cases involve a homeowner’s claim, a storm/hurricane claim, or an uninsured motorist’s claim. Still, there are other insurance claim categories that may involve different damages or elements of proof. They include:

Accidental Death or dismemberment (AFLAC-type insurance policies)

Bad Faith Claims

Business Interruption Claims

Business Property Loss Claims

Fire Claims

Hail claims

Homeowner’s Claims

Hurricane Claims

Life Insurance Claims

Lightning Damage Claims

Private Disability Insurance Claims

Property Damage Claims

Motor Vehicle Property Damage Claims

Motor Vehicle Uninsured Motorist Claims

Storm Damage Claims

The Walker Law Group can assist with any of these types of cases. If you have suffered a loss to your home or property due to Hurricane Ian or even a typical Florida storm, our insurance dispute lawyers can help. Our preferred insurance claim dispute lawyers assure you that your claim is well-received by the insurer.

Insurance Dispute Attorney

Reach out to our team today!

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Storm Claims Attorney
Auto Accident Attorney
Serious Injury Attorney